Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Your hand in is at the end of your session.

We will meet at start of your session and have a short crit.
You will then have the rest of the session to finish up. So if there is any thing you need to have clarified be prepared to make your inquiry at the beginning of class.


In your settings, go to formatting, there at the top of the page you will be able to see where you can change the number of posts per page. Change the number to 4.

Copy the material needed for hand in and paste into new posts.

Remember, blogger reads in reverse chronological order so your last post will be the first one on your page and will be the very first impression we will get.

The review of your online activity from networking with other 112 blog sites. This is a summary of what comments you made to whom, and why, and a summery of any comments that that others made on your site. Use less than 100 words

(remember the lurking task was research task only and is not needed for the hand in. But draw on that experience as you write your review)

+your one image and descriptive text
+the composite image interacting with a network.
+your video blog on a process
(any captions make less than 20 works for these two posts)
+your review of you online activity, networking with other 112 blog sites.

Note: use your titles creatively to introduce each post.

A copy of the assessment criteria will be handed out at the beginning of class, but for now you can view this on these Blogosphere & Networking site.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


On the left is a Rss feed button, click on this and choose Google from the drop down menu. This way you can get all the updates to this blog sent straight to your email.

Each time you "edit" a post, ie, When you add your final picture to replace the one 'under construction' make it as a new post. This way we can see your process, and commitment to this project through your archive . Up to this date your blog has been your work book, so don't delete anything. Formatting your final blog will be outlined on Monday. (What is left will remain in the archives)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


(On Monday ... how to edit and arrange your posts to meet submission requirements)

Make sure you are up to date with all your tasks.
Submission requirements are posted on the Blogoshpere & Networking Main site.


>>Continue to make usefully comments on other blogs.
Use this time as an opportunity to learn off each other. If you see a blog that has something you would like to do or are having trouble with, make a comment and ask for help ie “ I really like where you have placed your video element, how did you do that?

Start brainstorming with a partner on a VLOG.

Your Vlog needs to show a process.

A Vlog is a video log. Sharing information online using the medium of video.
For this project you will make a vlog no longer than Two minutes. (even thirty seconds may be enough)

(you don't have to use the same video as your partner, just work together on the process, brainstorming, sharing resources and helping each other complete this task, it will help if you have similar interests though)

>>Next week you will have time to post these Vlogs next week (there are a few ways to do this, one way is explained at the end of the VLOG on making a BLOG that is currently posted)

The content and editing and style of your blog is up to you.
Consider how this will fit with the overall theme, look or stance of your blog.
A Vlog on a process could be simply a video of you making a blog.

Remember this blog is about your ideas, how do each post relate to each other? Does your blog read as a whole? Does it have impact?

A process is a naturally occurring or designed sequence of changes of properties or attributes of an object or system. More precisely, and from the most general systemic perspective, every process is representable as a particular trajectory (or part thereof) in a system's phase space.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

3rd and 4th studios

Work for this week
+ Explore and visualize a RL network
+ Create and post a composite image that describes this network
+ No less than three points of interaction with people, community or a combination of showing interaction with others, along a network or a place where interaction can happen, if you choose to use things other thank people your starting interaction has to involve yourself.

+ Explore and start interaction with your OL network (community 112)
+ make positive comments on elements of their blog.
(by the end of this project you will have to have a review off all comments sent and received)

+ Edit your first post (cut and paste).
Consider its scan-ability, incorporate one research finding (hyperlink that reference). (word limit 100)

+ Add a labels element. (when you make a new post you can add labels, they are key words to describe the content of you post)

+ Add a links element. +then add and hyperlinks, research webpages and the blogosphere & networking main blog, your class brief blog (this one) and the class list.

Have these posted up (finished or not) by the end of the week.

Next week you will be making a video log (so start looking for a partner to work with)


+ Research a real life network
+ Start reading other 112 blogs
+have a good read of the
Help files and pages.

Thursday, July 10, 2008



Please add the course number: 112 to the end of your display name and blog title name. ( ie, John Smith 112)

(this will be important for next week tasks)

To do this go to make a post, on that page your dashboard link will appear beside your email address (upper right of the page)

remember if you need help check out the help files.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Second Studio: URL's, Lurking and Pictures

Second studio

Uploading pictures and become a lurker(1).

+Email the url of your blog site to your tutors so that you can be linked to the main blogosphere site. (The specifics on how to do this will be clarified at the beginning of this session and outlined on the blogosphere site) this means we can start lurking.

+ Upload the picture that you have from your last semester project. Add that to the written post that you have already blogged. (help files are online but i have pasted these for you below)

+ Find a blog network and become a lurker

Reading blogs and looking at social networks without having any participation into that net work is called “lurking” this task introduces you to this concept.

+Research blogs of interest (relevant to your work) and choose three of the best.
+Embed the hyperlink of these three sites into your post (to do this find this icon on you “make a new post” page > )
+Write a brief overview 50-100 max words of your favorite THREE. (That’s no more than 100 words covering all three sites)
What information is conveyed and how these link together? What information is on the site, why does it interest you, how did you find them?
What’s the Look, vibe, style, stance or point?

+Add a list of labels to describe what you have found. (Labels link back to the keywords you use in your post)

(1) “Many modern Internet communities now advise newbies to lurk for some time to get a feel for the specific culture and etiquette of the community, lest they make an inappropriate or redundant comment, ask a Frequently Asked Question, or incite a flame war. This leads to the tongue-in-cheek command to "lurk moar". The verb to "de-lurk" means to start contributing actively to a community having been a lurker previously.”

Google Help > Blogger Help > Multi-Media Blogging > Images

How do I post pictures?

You can now upload photos to your blog(s) using Blogger Images; just click the image icon in the post editor's toolbar.

When you click this icon, you'll get a window that allows you to select an image or multiple images from your computer. Click the Browse button to locate the ones you want. Alternatively, you can enter the URL of an image that's already online and insert it into your post.

If you click the link to choose a layout, you can customize the way your images will appear in your post:

The left, center and right options determine how the text of your post flows around the pictures. The size option lets you scale the pictures to different sizes within this posting area. Note that the picture will still be uploaded in its full size; this option just determines how it's scaled within the content of your post.

Alternatively, you can post images to your blog using Mail-to-Blogger. This feature allows you to email posts with image attachments directly to your blog. For more information about Mail-to-Blogger, please see this article.

Related Articles:

Here is the help file if you want to upload images from your flickr accounts
Google Help > Blogger Help > Multi-Media Blogging > Images

How do I post pictures from Flickr?

Blogger now supports image uploading for all users, but we also know that a lot of people have Flickr accounts as well. So if you'd like to post pictures using Flickr, here's how.

(Prerequisite reading: Flickr Help, How do I get the URL of a photo?)

First, you'll need to create an account at flickr, a web-based photo sharing service created by our friends up in Vancouver. Once you've logged into Flickr, add your Blogger blog to your Flickr account. (we're just covering photo-blogging in this tutorial, but there's plenty more cool stuff to configure and do at Flickr, too)

There are several ways to send photos to Flickr. One is to use the slick Mac uploader, which lets you drag and drop batches of photos to be uploaded. Another is to use the web uploader. A third is to email them to Flickr—you can even tell Flickr to automatically post emailed photos to your blog!

Once you've added a photo to Flickr, you can visit that photo's page and Blog it:

Blog This - Flickr

Other photo-sharing sites that support Blogger:

Have fun!

Monday, July 7, 2008



+You will come away from this project with the necessary skills to customise a Blog that will suit your needs
+Awareness of the evolving nature of process in design.
+Engage in critical enquiry of selective media to convey your message.
+Effective communication of research findings and have an understanding of attraction and promotion using social media.
+An understanding of the importance of developing and nurturing networks through the process of interaction and response.

Assessment criteria:



+This project is about you.
+Exploring digital media to communicate to an audience.
+Visual communication through Text, Pictures and Moving Image.
+Your Blog represents you and promotes your ideas.

+The BLOGOSHPERE & NETWORKING blog will be updated over time as will this one. Check in each day to see if there is anything new you need to know.

+Observe this process.


First assignment (first studio)
There are two tasks today one computer task and one studio task.

Computer task,

+ Go to and create a new gmail account (specifically used by blogger .com)

+Following the instructions of the blogger site ( it is important you have your name as your blog address url, check availability, (blogger will come up with suggestions, if it has been already taken, ie if naomilamb is taken it might offer naomilamb2245 …)

+For assessment purposes you blog display name must be YOUR NAME.

+Set up a generic blog. Don’t worry too much at this stage about the look of your blog, you will be customising this later.


Studio task
+ Using the project that you have chosen yesterday. Write 150 words that are CLEAR, CONSICE and COMPELLING to describe your project. This is your first blog post. Write as though you are talking to an audience.

What is it about? Who made it? When was it made?
Was it successful? Why did you choose it?

Home work. Look at other blogs relevant to your chosen design practice online.

Second studio

Uploading pictures and become a lurker(1).

+Email the url of your blog site to your tutors so that you can be linked to the main blogosphere site. (The specifics on how to do this will be clarified at the beginning of this session and outlined on the blogosphere site) this means we can start lurking.

+ Upload the picture that you have from your last semester project. Add that to the written post that you have already blogged.

+ Find a blog network and become a lurker

Reading blogs and looking at social networks without having any participation into that net work is called “lurking” this task introduces you to this concept.

+Research blogs of interest (relevant to your work) and choose three of the best.
+Embed the hyperlink of these three sites into your post (to do this find this icon on you “make a new post” page > )
+Write a brief overview 50-100 max words of your favorite THREE. (That’s no more than 100 words covering all three sites)
What information is conveyed and how these link together? What information is on the site, why does it interest you, how did you find them?
What’s the Look, vibe, style, stance or point?

+Add a list of labels to describe what you have found. (Labels link back to the keywords you use in your post)

(1) “Many modern Internet communities now advise newbies to lurk for some time to get a feel for the specific culture and etiquette of the community, lest they make an inappropriate or redundant comment, ask a Frequently Asked Question, or incite a flame war. This leads to the tongue-in-cheek command to "lurk moar". The verb to "de-lurk" means to start contributing actively to a community having been a lurker previously.”